This summer, take off your super(wo)man costume and take a real break!


As the summer vacations approach, are you feeling exhausted? It's perfectly normal.

Your work and your personal life - between family, friends, activities of all kinds - demand a lot of energy. The reality is that you can't be constantly going 200 miles an hour. Even you need a REST! So give yourself permission to take off your super(wo)man costume for a few weeks and take a real break.

But did you know that there are 9 different types of rest that every person needs? What kind of rest do you need this summer?

According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, American physician and researcher, author of the best-selling book "Sacred Rest", sleep and rest are two different things, often confused. In today's world, we're running around, hyperconnected, hyperactive, constantly bombarded with information, feeling compelled to please everyone, to over-perform and over-produce, our senses over-stimulated. Exhaustion is inevitable...

We all need a REST!

The good news is that there are 9 different types of rest that every person needs and that you can tap into:

  1. Passive physical rest: nap, sleep.
  2. Active physical rest: yoga, nature walks, massages.
  3. Mental rest: meditate or take regular breaks to "unplug my brain".
  4. Sensory rest: put myself in a quiet place, away from bright lights, screens, phones and background noise.
  5. Physiological rest: eating a healthy diet, intermittent fasting.
  6. Emotional rest: allowing myself to be myself and express my emotions freely.
  7. Social rest: surround myself with positive people who give me energy.
  8. Creative rest: enjoying the beauty of nature or a work of art, creating something with my hands.
  9. Spiritual rest: getting involved in an activity that's bigger than me, a cause greater than myself.

We need to ask ourselves what kind of rest we need most and act accordingly.

We wish you a relaxing and rejuvenating summer!

See you soon

The ARC innovation team

Certified Trainer & Coach