Understand the concerns of 50plus employees and maintain their enthusiasm.


he second half of life

Research has concluded that our lives are divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the pursuit of material goods and ambitions. The second part focuses more on becoming a fulfilled person.

What is the 2nd part of life? 

The second half of life seems to be about undoing much of what has been achieved in the first half in order to reach the deeper core of human life. The aim of the second half of life is to achieve greater fulfillment. It generally begins between the ages of 45 and 55. It's the time when we question what we've been able to achieve in those first decades. 

It's also a time of change, when we begin to prepare for the retirement that awaits us, so that we can live and enjoy it to the full. Every person goes through a mid-life phase, a sort of transition to find the right way to approach the second half of life.

What questions do we ask ourselves as we pass the mid-life mark, and why?

When we pass the mid-life mark, we question our decisions up to that point: had we chosen the right career? Did we realize our dreams? Are we happy? The realization that our life is half over can lead to depression and anxiety. But it can also lead to positive change.

Just like adolescence, mid-life transition is a normal process in a person's life. And in this sense, each of us experiences it in our own way. There are some people for whom it's completely normal and fits in well with what they've planned. And there are others who ask themselves many questions in order to find the best way to take advantage of what they have been able to achieve during these first years of life.

Do men and women react in the same way? How and why? 

Men go through a mid-life crisis because they reach a certain age and realize that life is passing them by. Typically, they develop fears of the changes that come with aging, and so try by all means to feel young again.

Women, on the other hand, are often pushed into the second half of life because they reach a certain age and discover that they finally have the opportunity to do all the things in life they've been putting off, while at the same time looking after a family. As a result, they spend this period more serenely than men.

What are the 5 tips for getting through the 2nd half of life? 

There are several things you can do in your youth and adulthood to make the most of the second half of your life.

Project yourself into retirement

Think about your retirement a few years in advance. What do you want it to look like? What do you want to achieve? How can you find meaning in your new life?

Be financially secure

You should also think about saving for your retirement. And while this practice has become almost commonplace, it's a very good piece of advice that you should apply as soon as you enter the professional world. It's always important to anticipate and be prepared for all situations.

Be open to a second career, start on the side

Take stock of your career, what you want to do and what you want to stop doing at some point. Why not retrain and do what you've been refusing to do for a long time?

Determine what is important for your personal development

Pursue a hobby, start early. What gives you pure pleasure and absolute joy? What would you like to do for the 1st time? Having a hobby or a personal project can help you get through life's tough times. Whether it's a sporting, artistic or cultural activity, a trip or spending time with your grandchildren, the possibilities are endless.

Give back

Volunteer, contribute to society: get involved in your local community or join a charity. Find the time to make small gestures to give back to the community in which you live (beyond a financial donation).  

Make health a priority

Only good health guarantees a good second half of your life. Eating well and exercising regularly are becoming a central part of a sensible lifestyle. Who knows, maybe you'll find another path in sporting activities?

As these issues are of concern to many 50+ people, the company can play an important role in raising awareness.