Does it make sense to quit your job on a whim?

want to break free , "Ciao, I'm done"

As Freddie Mercury sang in the 80s, and more recently Anne-Marie, sometimes we just want to drop everything! Has this happened to you too?

A promotion that never arrives, yet another meeting that goes badly, a boss who harasses us, colleagues who grumble all the time, lack of recognition, pressure from customers, tight deadlines, a gap between our values and those of the company, a cruel absence of meaning. "What's the point of this damn PowerPoint presentation I spent 4 hours working on?

In short, the straw that breaks the camel's back and makes you want to run to human resources or your manager to hand in your resignation or ask for a "rupture conventionnelle"!

But does it make sense to quit your job on a whim? 

Before setting sail for new horizons, it's important to settle down and take stock. Running away from a job that doesn't suit you is not the solution. We need to create a new professional project that is well thought-out, motivating, realistic, in line with our values, meets our needs and deepest aspirations, and enables us to express our skills.

What exactly does taking stock involve?

The challenge is to identify the assets you have acquired, clarify your current situation and define your future project. And to do that, you need to answer a lot of questions.

What are the reasons for your current dissatisfaction at work? What do you need and want right now? Fulfillment at work? A new challenge, a position of responsibility or a cooler job? To work more or less?

Do you need order and stability? Challenge, creativity, novelty? Or perhaps harmony and financial security? To be able to influence and have an impact? What need is not satisfied today and needs to be rebalanced? What are your passions? Can a passion become a profession?

Ouch! It's not easy to answer all these questions... Yet it's essential to clarify all these points before moving on to the next step.  

Getting to know yourself better will give you the best chance of moving in the right direction. Real in-depth work on your personality profile, your identity and your expertise will help you bring out your strengths and skills. Yes, we often have the impression that we don't know how to do anything, but over the years, we've amassed a wealth of personal and professional experience that makes us unique and gives us real added value!

360° feedback is the ideal tool for gathering feedback from colleagues, managers, co-workers and loved ones. When you read all the positive feedback, believe us, it boosts your self-confidence!

How do you prepare for your new career?

Finding your career path is like running a marathon: you have to prepare and train!

And all this takes time and energy. It's hard to stay motivated and disciplined when you're on your own. It's easy to be tempted by other, more attractive activities, such as going out for a drink on the terrace with friends. The solution? Take a skills assessment or a career assessment with professional guidance.

What are skills assessment and career assessment?  

This is a twenty-hour package of individual coaching sessions with a career guidance professional. Step by step, the coach, trainer or consultant accompanies you and helps you to clarify your objective, define a motivating and realistic professional project and build your action plan.

With the coach's help, you'll also take the time to consult job offers, create your CV, write your cover letter, prepare for job interviews, carry out job surveys, check your employability on the job market, validate the relevance of your business start-up project, etc.

At the end of the assessment, you will have defined a career development, training, retraining or reorientation project. And you'll have drawn up an action plan to achieve it. This may involve :

  • find a new position in the same company or elsewhere, even in another region or country
  • do the same job in the same company, but with a more serene approach and a better work-life balance
  • do the same job but with a new company
  • continuing education to learn a new trade and change career paths
  • go from employee to self-employed (freelance or entrepreneur) and set up your own business
Conclusion? No! Don't quit your job on a whim!

Acting on emotion is not a solution, and waiting is not a project. A skills assessment or career review is an excellent first step to taking stock and boosting your professional future.

And if, at the end of the skills assessment, your wish to leave your job is confirmed, that's great. Your intuition will be validated, and you'll know you're making the right decision. And you'll also have time to organize the transfer of your skills to your successor.

Our advice: let yourself be surprised! Sometimes, at the end of a skills assessment, you discover a 2nd or 3rd option that you hadn't thought of at all at the outset...And the icing on the cake is that there are various ways of financing your skills assessment, notably through your Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).

To find out more, read the article in Les Echos 

Certified Trainer & Coach