Certified Trainer & Coach


I help managers to succeed in their mission, while combining operational performance, relational ease and managerial legitimacy. I also help managers who are questioning their career choices to define a motivating and realistic professional project, training plan or career development plan.

Certified coach with 20 years' experience in international management.

I have a great deal of empathy and respect for managers.

They have a difficult role. Caught between management and their teams, managers must constantly navigate between the demands of their superiors and the expectations of their staff.

I spent the first part of my career in industry, including almost 18 years in a managerial role. I often came up against complex situations, especially at the beginning. I attended training courses dedicated to "new managers", read books on management, watched tutorials and discovered practical tools.

Over the years, I have gained experience in the field, trying, failing and discovering what works. Inspiring mentors guided me and set examples for me to follow. Little by little, I developed my managerial posture and found my own management style: participative, benevolent and fair.

After 20 years in industry, I wanted a change. Thanks to a skills assessment with a wonderful coach, I was able to identify my strengths, clarify my deepest desires and define my new career plan.

Now in the2nd half of my career, I work in a profession that is a natural extension of my career path and brings me meaning. I'm a coach and trainer for managers and a skills assessment consultant. I help managers to succeed in their missions, while combining operational performance, interpersonal skills and managerial legitimacy. I also help managers who are questioning their career paths to define a motivating and realistic professional project, training plan or career development plan.

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